Wednesday, April 4, 2007

It's all in the details!

The official film festival website has been updated with lots of details.....

Ticket info:

Great info about tickets you can buy in bulk for a discount so that you can share with your friends here:

Schedule of showings (for entire festival):
Please note that all of the dates/times listed in the previous post are correct. :)

The official listing of all films in the SciFi Section:

Please keep checking back for lots of details about some of the films that you may not have heard of before. As promised, all details will be listed before April 12th, which is the first day you can buy tickets.


kevbayer said...

Other than the films themselves, are there any events planned for the sci-fi track? Parties or seminars or anything?

Anonymous said...

Not currently. However, if you have any ideas or would like to arrange anything, the film festival would be totally supportive and help in any way that we could!